Doomsday Game Creation Forums

Forum Center => Recruiting Centre/ Job Postings => : James April 09, 2008, 04:29:50 AM

: Bright Eye Entertainment is looking for staff
: James April 09, 2008, 04:29:50 AM
I am looking to hire some staff because i am a bit thin on the ground since people are really busy these days. Positions available include

3D modelers
concept artists
sound artists
graphics artists
Developers for everlasting journey (someone to fix this runtime error 9 that keeps crashing the server and fixing the partys so they don't crash the server to and EJ also needs a server host.

Current team consits of
1 sound artists who is also farely busy
1 concept guy who can model but keeps scrapping his models plus he is on a programming course
Another concept artist but he is hard to talk to
Another concept artist but she is really busy these days

Thats it more or less so all my current staff are currently really busy i really need some new staff.

PS: I have recently revamped the Bright Eye Entertainment website people think it looks alot better than the previous site.

: Re: Bright Eye Entertainment is looking for staff
: Vrage April 09, 2008, 04:35:45 AM
I can Fix the RTE 9 .
I can also Animate, and Create Cutscenes/2d Movies

: Re: Bright Eye Entertainment is looking for staff
: James April 09, 2008, 04:43:00 AM
Ok sounds good i allready have you on msn come online later i'm going to college now i will be back in like 3 hours

: Re: Bright Eye Entertainment is looking for staff
: Techie_929 May 19, 2008, 08:35:26 PM
So, what exactly is the team's current goal? What game are you working on? Or are you just trying to get a team in place?

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