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.:Krusade Online:. .:Open-Server:.

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Author Topic: .:Krusade Online:. .:Open-Server:.  (Read 792 times)
The Pyromancer
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« on: January 27, 2008, 05:26:23 am »



This is my first MMORPG I have made using Mirage Source Engines. I began developing it when I was new to Visual Basic and Sadscript, but over the monthes I have spent working on it, I have learnt a lot. The game is nothing special, and I am rather disapointed with it, but nonetheless, I present it to you.

I originally was going to disband this game, and release it to no-one and speak not of it, and just keep what I have learnt from it. But instead, I have decided to prepare it for an open-server release.

Krusade Online does have its flaws, and lack of features; But I may try to implement some more features in it such as mining, fishing, etc. The game also contains NO female characters in it, so sorry to all female players out there, or female 'wannabes' Tongue The game is also rather linear, the world isn't entirely open. But regardless, I hope you enjoy my first MMORPG.


Krusade Online is available for download at the Kreative Softworks Forum:

Click here to go to Kreative Softworks!

NOTE: There is no official server, so in order to play the game, you will have download the server as well, or find and join someone elses server. A list of online player servers can be found HERE


All custom sprites and graphics are property of Kreative Studios. Do not use/edit or move any graphics without my permission. Custom graphics are copyrighted, and action will be taken against those who break this disclaimer. Upon downloading the game, you agree to this disclaimer. You also will not be able to install the game unless you agree to the terms and conditions, which are listed inside the executive installer for Krusade Online.

Permission may be granted to edit the sprites if you are using them for a Krusade Online mod. I would appreciate it if you contacted me if you wish to do so, and provide information.


The North-East Empire had lived in prosperity for the last centaury. Their nation has been at conflict with the Shadow Crusade for almost a decade, but the Empire has emerged victorious over them. The motivation on these attacks has been caused by an emblem found decades ago by a philosopher.  The emblem resembles one of many ancient treasures lost by the Azunite’s thousands of years ago. It was found in the venerable ruins of Darkshore.

Ancient history affirms that the ancient race of the Azunite’s held 8 treasures, all of which were emblems that held the power to control the elements. Philosophers deciphered the inscriptions on the emblem and learnt that the treasure they had found was the shadow emblem. The shadow emblem had the power to control darkness and evil, and they suspected that it could possibly be used against the Crusade who craved it.

The king of the North-East Empire did not want his philosophers to use the power of the shadow emblem, because he was concerned that this new found power could corrupt his empire, and that they may possibly become minions of the Shadow Crusade. A meeting was held in the Empire’s castle, to discuss what should be done with the emblem. It was suggested that it was to be cast out of the city, away from the Empire and away from the Crusade. This decision was applied and the shadow emblem was secretively thrown into the bottom of the Desolate Ocean, where it would never be found again.

As the years past, the assaults from the Shadow Crusade began to drop, until the Empire went 10 years without war. Talk of the Shadow Emblem was forbidden, and resulted in harsh punishment. The Empire did not want the Crusade to have any reason to believe that they still had the emblem.

But 3 years later, the shadow emblem shuddered, and opened up a maelstrom in the ocean. The ocean was partially destroyed, and new land was uncovered. They named this land the Desolace. It was an isolated swamp, and the shadow emblem was found by the Shadow Crusade.

The Shadow Lord, who was destroyed by the Azunite’s thousands of years ago was resurrected, and he built his great nation, and prepared the Shadow Crusade to take over the lands, and to claim the other 7 emblems, so that he could control the world.

Meanwhile, the Empire discovered ancient texts which spoke of all 8 Emblems. Each emblem was hidden away, possessed by 8 lords. Each emblem held the power of an element, and creates continuous cycle of power. The 8 elements which were imbued in these emblems were wind, water, ice, thunder, fire, earth, spirit and shadow. It was known that each emblem was hidden in a temple, and each temple was hidden across the land.

The power of the shadow element was unmatched, and the only way to adverse it was to have control of the spirit emblem, which would result in an ultimate battle between good and evil.

The search begins…


*Many races to choose from including Human, Elf, Dark-elf and Half-orc.

*Vast world map, with many cities, regions, landscapes, and dungeons.

*Players can form partnerships and quest together.

*Fully paperdolled equips

*Dozens of quests to fulfill

*Custom Sprites

*SFX for every action


Humans are an all-around class, as they favor no particular style of combat. Their stats are even and they can advance to almost any class they want.

Elves specialise in long range combat, including the use of versitile bows, and the occassional spell. They favor speed over strength, and try to defeat their enemys at a distance.

Dark-elves specialise in powerful magic, including devastating spells and wands. They focus their skills in magic, and try to learn the most powerful spells available.

Half-orcs specialise in melee combat, including battle-axes and large swords. They focus their skills in strength, so that they can equip any armor or weapon, and deal powerful close-range damage.

Commands and Controls:

Basic Controls:

Arrows- Walk
Ctrl- Attack/Interact
Enter- Action/Pick-up Item
Shift- Run
Home- Rotate character
Insert- Cast memorized spell


Press ' before a message to broadcast
Press !name to private chat
Press - before a message to emote

Basic commands:

/help                  Shows commands
/stats                 Shows your stats
/party name  Invite a player into your party
/leave                 Leave your party
/refresh               Use this if map freezes or your character is lagging

HP, MP and SP:

HP is your health
MP is your mana.
SP is stamina (energy)
If your health reaches 0, you will die and lose experience as a consequence.
If your mana reaches 0, you will be unable to cast spells until it regenerates
If your energy reaches 0, you will not be able to run until it regenerates
Different spells require different amounts of MP

Basic Interface:

Pickup items by standing on them and pressing enter
Read signs and notices by facing them and pressing enter
To view an items statistics, move your mouse cursor over it
If you need help with a command, type /help in the message bar


Lead Developer- Beau Buckley AKA Kreator
Scripter- Derrick Martin AKA Balliztik1


In-game Screenshots:

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« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 04:38:22 pm »

wow... Like I often state, not much for fantasy but it looks like something I might play, reminds me of the old school zelda games Smiley
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Agent Arrow Games leader
The Pyromancer
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« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 03:18:43 am »

wow... Like I often state, not much for fantasy but it looks like something I might play, reminds me of the old school zelda games Smiley

Thanks! Smiley
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« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 07:52:35 am »

I might run a server for this at my company
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If we only played, games would be as hard as work

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« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 04:35:50 pm »

your servers aren't super reliable if I remember right
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Agent Arrow Games leader
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« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 09:41:52 am »

The server software has a rte error thats why it's offline it's down for fixing that error.
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Game Name: The Towers of Trembolon
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« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 10:57:52 am »

Looks nice, graphics seem to be very detailed for 2d. I might try it out!
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The Pyromancer
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« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2008, 02:36:41 pm »

I might run a server for this at my company

That would be sweet! We had a 24/7 host, but he has been pretty sick lately.  Sad
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Register at the Kreative Softworks Forums to download our completed productions, and support our future projects!
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If we only played, games would be as hard as work

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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 02:45:29 pm »

yeah, did you go to design school?
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Agent Arrow Games leader
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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 03:28:09 pm »

I might run a server for this at my company

That would be sweet! We had a 24/7 host, but he has been pretty sick lately.  Sad

Does it have the runtime error 9 or would that need to be fixed?
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The Pyromancer
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« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2008, 03:33:42 am »

yeah, did you go to design school?

Nope, theres no schools anywhere nearby for that sort of thing. I live in rural Australia. Had to teach myself everything.

Does it have the runtime error 9 or would that need to be fixed?

Runtime error is a stupid newb error, in the engine I used. I'll definately have this fixed in any newer projects, but considering KO's age, I won't likely fix it, although I know how to easily. it shouldn't occur often, I hope.
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« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2008, 09:34:16 am »

Can you maybe fix it for everlasting journey if i sent you the server?
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Game Name: Historia
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« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2008, 09:26:49 pm »

Kreators more a GFX genius than a programmer/scripter last I checked, idk if he picked it up or not, but its really just easier to do it yourself. Besides, knowing Kreator, he almost defianatly won't do it.
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The Pyromancer
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« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2008, 01:53:55 am »

I got some bad news. I've given up mmorpg development, for at least quite some time. Not sure when I will resume. Both school (year 12) and my part time job have been consuming most of my free time, and my grades have dropped a lot because of mmorpg development. I'm going to focus more on school. Sorry guys.

James, add on error resume next under all of the dim arrays of the sub "Handle Data" to stop RTE9
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Game Name: Historia
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« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2008, 10:51:12 am »

sorry to hear that, your parents getting after you too?
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