"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« on: January 18, 2008, 09:56:11 am » |
New here? Or back from somewhere? Or are you saying bye-bye to us?
Post here:
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  
"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2008, 09:55:29 pm » |
Also, make sure you provide some information about yourself like the community your from, your experience, and your skills, hobbies and interests! 
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  
PHP Web Dev
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New Member

Posts: 44
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 07:45:04 am » |
im Rogue im a PHP web dev and i do my own web gfx my website and some tutorials can be found on my websiteim also into 2D and 3D RPGS and glad to help with anyone that needs it
"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2008, 08:03:28 am » |
Thanks for coming Rogue!
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  

Posts: 146
If we only played, games would be as hard as work
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2008, 08:49:12 am » |
I'm Agent Arrow. I'm developing Terra Trooper, I'm a mid-level world and story designer, a beginner modeler. I like cars, girls, and legos. 
Agent Arrow Games leader 
Your Insolence Displeases me
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Game Name: Apocalyptic Vision - http://darksmaster923.977mb.com/php-files/news.php
Posts: 56
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2008, 11:21:56 am » |
im a homie

Posts: 2
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 04:57:41 pm » |
Hi Im draken, Im the leader of the gnome army that seems to invade forums... On top of that Im also founder of Clay Gnome Productions, I program, do both 3d and 2d graphics, map, stories, SFX, Music, and about anything else you can think of  . Currently working on 2 3d mmorpgs.
Global Moderator

Posts: 1
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2008, 07:17:48 pm » |
Hey my names Matt, accounts Imago obviously. I haven't been in gaming devolpment area all that long but people do say i've showed signs of promise. I have experience in pixel art, web design, 2d mmorpg making, visual basic and other various graphics. I'm currently still learning visual basic and im trying to get back to my roots in graphic design -- i've stuck to pixel art for a while now and haven't done much. I'm devolping a game which is in private devolpment due to well, myself and another don't want to have to worry about public pressure. Ethier way a work in progress thread is not long off and should include plenty of screenshots, plans and all that stuff  I hope to be fairly active, ill check on here regullary and i look forward to seeing all your games 
"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 07:09:14 am » |
Hello Draken,Darksmaster, And Imago! Hope you have a nice time here!
Note: Invited blender 3d and Ms3D communities today!
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  

Game Name: The Towers of Trembolon
Posts: 6
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 10:29:06 am » |
Hello i'm Jan also known as Jay from the RealityFactory forums. I'm 19 and I do programming/scripting, level design and also some prop modelling with easy animations. My prop modelling and level design are intermediate i would say, but i am really good at scripting. I love RPGs and strategy games (also like board and card games, but that does not really belong here). But the greatest games are those who mix the two genres by giving you a party and you have to use the specific abilities of all characters (Baldurs Gate II, not Diablo II). Mmorpgs are great too because you have to coordinate with the other players which also gives the game a tactic component. (And of course because you're not playing alone!)
Currently i am at a RPG Project called 'The Towers of Trembolon' which is hard to compare to existing RPG games gameplay-wise. It is a mixture of a RPG and a strategy game where you control all characters in Realtime givining them orders. Also you swing the sword with the mouse. Graphics are not THAT great, but i think i can compare to somthing a little lower than Gothic I. I hope to release a demo very soon.
So i hope we all have a nice time here!
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 02:19:43 pm » |
hello my names james i found this forum via the eclipse forum. I run a small company called Bright Eye Entertainment we currently have one game in beta testing at the moment and thats everlasting journey. www.everlasting-journey.co.nrI like sports,gaming and also building forums for people.
Your Insolence Displeases me
Global Moderator
New Member

Game Name: Apocalyptic Vision - http://darksmaster923.977mb.com/php-files/news.php
Posts: 56
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 08:21:20 pm » |
how many forums did you spam to get ppl?
"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 05:38:00 am » |
I think Darksmaster was reffering to me, Anyway , no 
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  

Posts: 1
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 09:44:53 am » |
Hi, I'm Sph!nx, obviously, and I'm a novice webdesigner and sort of an allround gamedesigner. I'm part of the Svencoop community (a HL mod) and I run a little development board with my homies.
"The King of er.....What?"

Posts: 117
Wolfang Devloper, Doomsday Admin, Evo 3K developer
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 09:47:32 am » |
Wel;come Sph!nx! And Hey Jay and James!
"IS IT ME that FUELS rage or Rage that fuels me?  