Heya V-Rage, I remember you telling me about these forums while ago so I thought id post mine here
DOWNLOAD LINK ON WEBSITE(Along with port/config information)
www.dungeoncrawler.co.ukIve decided to make a realllly simple dungeon crawler rpg..my last one I made was so damn complex with alot of detailed maps and quests, while I havent given up on it, its taking a hell of a long time..anyway, on with the details
Story: none at all, your just a warrior/mage/priest out for fame and gold in a smal town called Crysta, taking part in quests.
Classes: Mage, Warrior, Priest..nothing fancy, however they will have different class choices in the class tree later on.
Warrior--> Knight --> Paladin/Dark Knight
Mage--> Archmage--> Fire Mage/Ice Mage
Priest--> Cleric--> Angel/Arch Angel
Features: Apart from the normal tradeskills (mining, blacksmithing ect) and quests,the real main feature of this game is going to be the dungeon.
Basically, it will have 100 levels going down, level 1 will have level 1 monsters, with 1 map..level 2 will have level 2 monsters, with 2 maps, level 3 will have level 3 monsters, with 3 maps..and so on.
After level 20, bosses will be on each floor to gaurd the next floor down, also, after 50, some puzzles leading to treasure that require a party will be available, if you have the friends with you to do so.
Screenshots:What would an RPG be without slimes eh?

Mining in the dungeon.

Starting town.

Monster hunting guild, where you pick up quests.

I know the maps arent amazing,but Im keeping it simple this time..im trying to keep all the great rpg elements, but narrow em down into a simple game without going overboard.
Updates:Started working on the dungeon a little more, town is basically done, just need to add the Pub interior, dungeon goes down to level 5, 30 maps in total so far. (2 days production so far)
Download:Links on website.
Click on free after you click on the link, then type the number in and download.
PORT: 4001
Tip:After starting, kill some slimes for gold, then head into the warriors guild and buy first aid..helps alot, also use the inn to regain health fast!
Also, if your a mage, go buy your first spell for free at the mage guild first